Wie durft de uitdaging aan?
Helaas kunnen we ook in 2021 geen traditionele BigDay-houden. Als leuk alternatief doen we mee aan de alternatieve invulling en sluiten aan bij de oproep van BirdLife International. Op zaterdag 8 mei kun je zelf je BigDay invullen door te kiezen voor een telling vanuit jouw tuin, lopend of per fiets op pad te gaan in de buurt, of een groot deel van het VMO-gebied voor je rekening te nemen. En zelfs met de auto op pad staan we oogluikend toe :-)….
Leg je waarnemingen vast (locatie en tijd) bijvoorbeeld via LIVE-Atlas, of gewoon in je notitieboekje en stuur aan het eind van de dag je waarnemingen naar : info@vogelwerkgroepmiddenoverijssel.nl
Zie hieronder de oproep van BirdLife International!
Support us by birdwatching on Global BigDay!
We are thrilled to announce that we will be entering a BirdLife International World Bird Club team into the upcoming Global Big Day on World Migratory Bird Day, Saturday May 8th – and we would like you to be a part of it!
Whether you count 5 birds or 500 birds, we would love for you to get involved and help out.
Every year during Global Big Day, birders collect valuable records of birds seen all around the world on a single day, which provide an important snapshot of migration patterns globally. Last year more than 50,000 people from 175 different countries took part, creating a new world record of 6,479 species recorded on a single day.
We have joined forces again with Global Birding, eBird and Swarovski Optik to promote the event, contribute to citizen science and, most importantly for BirdLife International, help fundraise for our Stop the Illegal Killing of Migratory Birds appeal.
Do I have to be a member of the World Bird Club?
No! We would love for all of our World Bird Club members to join in, but anyone who wants to enter the team and help support science and BirdLife for the day is encouraged.
We want to get as many bird sightings from as many countries as possible.
How can I take part?
Step one: Register to take part in Global Big Day here
Important: In the top box where it asks for your name, please also include our team name World Bird Club
Step two: If you don’t already have an eBird account, register for one so you can count your birds and submit your sightings on Saturday 8th May
Step three: Go out birdwatching on the 8th of May!